May 22Liked by Amy smilovic

Really enjoyed this! Amy, your voice is a breath of fresh air.

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May 23Liked by Amy smilovic

What a dream. Thanks for sharing what an elevated group of women together feels like. Love that there was not an iota of what anyone looks like. ❤️

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May 23Liked by Amy smilovic

A dream team of advisors! Thank you for sharing this with the rest of us, Amy. Copied and pasted into my iPhone notes for a re-read later.

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This is amazing. Social media is a very effective vehicle for finding people who make you recover your faith in humanity (and lose it too 😅, of course). It all depends on how you approach it. If you give good work, eventually somebody joins you for a conversation 🤗 and then somebody else. I love this story, thank you for sharing it!

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So true. People are shocked when I tell them that with all my followers and DMs I can count on both hands the number of truly awful DMs rcd. And 50pct of those awful DMs got turned around just by responding and discourse ; the other 1/2 didn’t warrant my attention.

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This sounds like a wonderful group of women! It's so easy (if not the default) to be extreme in this day and age, so to hear that other people are balanced and moderate and successful makes my heart sing! I focus on being in that "middle ground" in all areas of my life: my husband and I call it that place where "both/and" exists, rather than "either/or". It's the best place to be...

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Yes. And so so worth noting given that these individuals are literally at the very top of their industries.

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As a recent grad I would love to hear the path the Global Chief Creative Officer took to get her position/her prior roles. Any way you could share their names (or did I miss that?) Everyone seems so cool and successful, I can imagine it was an entrancing weekend.

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If u email me your info I will share with her.

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Love the idea of creating an intimate space for connection and sharing beyond a super short term, what’s in it for me mindset. Just the pleasure of likeminded ppl exploring together without an agenda. If I were to go looking for that, where would I look? Strikes me that many conferences or structured gatherings are often selling something or playing off a shared industry or profession

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That’s the thing- it’s wild who knew that through clothing discussions that became discussions about who we are that like minded people would find themselves. Didn’t see this coming to be honest here but it’s one of the best things that’s happened in my 27 years since starting Tibi.

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