How bout a capsule for working artists? Writers, architects, painters? Maybe we’re sooo creative we don’t need one but your thoughts would be interesting!

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From an Exiter - thank you for getting me!! I've hung on to the biz attire for 'just in case' consulting work but tend to make my existing wardrobe work in a more edgy or casual way. You've given me permission to do a cleanse based on what won't make a comeback!! - that is after a bit of time messing around in the wardrobe playing with options...Great shopping advice too!

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Thank you Amy for this insightful commentary. I so wish perhaps at some point you would think about doing a multi-generation seminar at your flagship store.

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Ahhh, but question. Have you been to any of our book clubs or seminars? From gen z, to millennial, to gen x to baby boomer, they’re all there. Multi-generational. Literally the definition of.

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Ah.. I do not know about the book club and seminars, but I would love to find out. I do follow Instagram, and you tube, and your new book is out of this world, even the cover is so esthetic for me.

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