I always think about one of the Laura Ingalls books where Mary and Laura delight in receiving oranges for Christmas. In a world where you can have literally anything, and have it delivered- there is no substitute for moments that feel absolutely magical thanks to the simplest thing. Xx

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Jun 24Liked by Amy smilovic

They are called wild strawberries. They are delicious and popular in Europe. They only grow in the forest during the summer.

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Ah, the strawberries. How lovely and the reason why eating in season vs buying the whole world at from where ever whenever is so special.

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I love Amy’s trademark: “Ok?” 😊

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Jun 24Liked by Amy smilovic

I love this analogy. It reminds me of Woody Allen's Sleeper. It also evokes why instilling a sense of delayed gratification in our children is so challenging. When we were growing up, you had to wait until summer to eat strawberries. Now, you can eat them all year round. They aren't as sweet or as juicy but they are big and omnipresent.

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We pick these wild strawberries from the side of the road in the Swedish summer and thread them on a straw - the most delicious treat! I dream of one day opening a store and working with designers like you, who remembers the name of my dog and what I wore the first time we met. I promise to do the same with you and your dog!

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Love this!

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Ideas for Paris please?? I love this analogy - perfect simplicity at its best

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