Jun 9Liked by Amy smilovic

Find your passion

That’s my trigger

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Scott Galloway can go on forever about how misleading that word can be. Another word to be broke now for sure!

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Your dad taught you to write your emotions! What a gift he gave you. Possibly your teacher mom had a hand in this as well, but Shitballs to require the sharing in the written word, brilliant.

I have gained a great deal of insight and pleasure (is this happy?) from your written word (book, Substack, Instagram!) also you have given me words to describe my style. I am in your debt (and I am trying to pay you with clothing purchases. Hahahaha) fondly, B

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Jun 9Liked by Amy smilovic

I feel the same way about the word fun

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Jun 10Liked by Amy smilovic

The note at the end calmed my gut reaction of “what a surprising click bait-y title for Amy.” It was so unexpected and almost seemed like a setup for a punchline. Curious about the results!

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Heeeeee heeeee

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Jun 10Liked by Amy smilovic

Great article on how to put into words your mood and feeling!!! Especially when it pertains to one’s clothes! Bravo!!!

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Jun 10Liked by Amy smilovic

I love this perspective so much

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Jun 10Liked by Amy smilovic

Happiness is a reaction to something great. Joy is a product of someone great. Although the way we feel in our clothes, those emotions and feelings you expressed, should bring us happiness, I don’t believe they should evoke joy. Joy is a higher emotion and probably shouldn’t be expected to come from “things” but from people.

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Jun 10Liked by Amy smilovic

I always wondered about those “happiest countries” surveys and what does that mean to be happy. I’ve always just had to survive. Well, I just announced my retirement and started focusing on what I want and feel truly happy. TIBI is my retirement wardrobe.

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Jun 9Liked by Amy smilovic

Oh my gosh. Maybe she knew where you were headed and set you up to send her the current line each season so she won’t raid your closet. Tall and smart…

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Jun 9Liked by Amy smilovic

Your "written word" has been so helpful to me. Love how often you get your thoughts out there. Love the photos too!

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I adore content like this, and it resonates so strongly for me (also a psychologist/artist/sometimes teacher/writer); I appreciate the way you dig through to "what does this stupid word - HAPPY - actually mean?"

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Couldn't agree more! Happiness — around fashion or life in general — is fleeting. Sadly (pun intended), Psychology Today reports, "A series of studies found that the more value people place on happiness, the less happy they become"

Peace and fulfillment are forever #goals.

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I just wrote a long winded post about fun! Wish I’d thought of this title 🤪 I find that “happy” is almost a rich layer cake of satisfaction, relief, self worth, acceptance and amusement. All the good things. ☀️

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